SanDisk 16GB Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive SDCZ4816GB Benchmark

Below are some basic benchmarks of the SanDisk 16GB Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive - Model - SDCZ4816GB. Please note these are purely just for my own interest and for anyone else interested - these tests are not performed for proper review purposes or under strict testing environment settings, so they may not be perfectly accurate, however they should represent ballpark figures of what to expect (unless I've made a mistake in my benchmark process!)

CrystalDiskMark benchmark results (formatted)

Read speed benchmark from HD Tune (unformatted)
Minimum - 94.5 MB/s
Maximum - 117.7 MB/s
Average - 104.5 MB/s
Access Time - 0.683 ms
Burst Rate - 75 MB/s

Write speed benchmark from HD Tune (unformatted)
Minimum - 4.7 MB/s
Maximum - 16.2 MB/s
Average - 11.9 MB/s
Access Time - 4.40 ms
Burst Rate - 75.7 MB/s

This article was updated on October 3, 2021