Adding QT Colour Schemes to Kate when running Gnome (or how to get the dark mode back!)

If you've been running QT based applications under Gnome for long enough, it's likely that you'll eventually encounter issues with inconsistent theming and colour schemes when it comes to having QT and/or KDE based applications try to match or inherit parts of the Gnome / GTK theme you're running. Note that this scenario is not specific to Gnome, and you can experience this issue and also fix it the same way on other desktop environments. A particular example I've encountered occurred when moving from Fedora 32 to 33. The text editor Kate no longer uses a dark colour scheme if…

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Asus Zenbook UX431F display won't work on Fedora 30 Linux without "NOMODESET"

Upon installing Fedora 30 to an Asus Zenbook UX431F, I encountered an issue where there is no display output unless "nomodeset" is inside the GRUB config. This limits the display resolution to 800x600 for the Zenbook's screen which isn't ideal. External monitors will work just fine though. The first issue of note is that the Fedora live ISO will not output anything to the monitor when going through the normal installation process. At the boot prompt when using the live ISO you'll need to go to Troubleshooting and Install Fedora in basic graphics mode. Fedora should boot up and display…

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