Asus Zenbook UX431F display won't work on Fedora 30 Linux without "NOMODESET"

Upon installing Fedora 30 to an Asus Zenbook UX431F, I encountered an issue where there is no display output unless "nomodeset" is inside the GRUB config. This limits the display resolution to 800x600 for the Zenbook's screen which isn't ideal. External monitors will work just fine though. The first issue of note is that the Fedora live ISO will not output anything to the monitor when going through the normal installation process. At the boot prompt when using the live ISO you'll need to go to Troubleshooting and Install Fedora in basic graphics mode. Fedora should boot up and display…

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Installing Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 via Snap

This is a simple tutorial to get Rocket.Chat running on a Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 server.(You’ll likely be perfectly fine to run through the same process on a different Ubuntu version such as 18.04 if you’d prefer). In this case we’re installing this on a fresh server and we’ll be installing Rocket.Chat as a Snap and using Caddy as a reverse proxy. Caddy will also deal with issuing SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt. With this you’ll be able to get Rocket.Chat up and running within ~10 minutes, from there you can go on and make further server configuration changes for security…

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Backup and restore or migrate a Snap based installation of Rocket.Chat

This is a simple tutorial to backup and restore, or backup and migrate a Snap based installation of Rocket.Chat. First you’ll need to stop the Rocket.Chat server. service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server stop Note that we’re only stopping the rocketchat-server service, not the MongoDB service, which should still be running. Check with: service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-mongo status | grep -i active Active: active (running) (…) Create a backup. snap run rocketchat-server.backupdb # You should see output similar to this: [+] A backup of your data can be found at /var/snap/rocketchat-server/common/backup/rocketchat_backup_<timestamp>.tar.gz Download that backup file over SFTP for instance, or transfer it to the server you’re…

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